Millal on eestlane jõudnud tipu?

Kui temast kirjutatakse ülevaatlik lugu, milles mainitakse Eestit ainult ühel korral ja sedagi tema kaasmaalastega seose!

Neeme Järvi on üks nendest vähestest eestlastest.

15 aastat Detroidi sümfooniaorkestri muusikalisejuhina ning lisaks üle saja külalisetteaste aastas(!) üle terve maailma, mille käigus on Järvi maailmale (ok, vähemalt entusiastidele) tutvustanud orkestreid, mis muidu poleks kunagi tunnustust leidnud.

Sellest ei tasu järeldada, et Järvi suudab kuidagi halbadest orkestritest häid teha vaid pigem seda, et mehel on kõrva ja silma lootustandvatele orkestritele. Eks ole see ka üks põhjuseid, miks Detroit Free Press pühendas artikli Järvi tulevikuplaanide valgustamiseks:

Jarvi’s New Jersey post has him geeked like a kid who found just the toy he wanted under the Christmas tree. Meanwhile, sundry guest-conducting opportunities keep his calendar full. Between his fall commitments in Detroit and New Jersey, he took Switzerland’s UBS Verbier Festival Orchestra, an ensemble of high-powered young musicians, on a 10-day European tour.

On another front, Jarvi is in the midst of recording the complete Tchaikovsky and Sibelius symphonies with the Gothenburg Symphony. Then there are the plans spearheaded by the eminent Russian conductor Valery Gergiev, who is arranging a salute to Jarvi this summer in St. Petersburg, home of the former Leningrad Conservatory where Jarvi was trained. Jarvi’s two sons, Paavo and Kristjian, both of them conductors, and his daughter Maarika, a flutist, will also appear.

And Jarvi has begun the Herculean task of preparing the four operas of Richard Wagner’s “The Ring of the Nibelung” for the Royal Swedish Opera — one opera a year beginning in September and culminating with a complete “Ring Cycle” in 2008.

Üks insult seljataga jõuab Järvi artiklis ka täpsustada, et ta on enda töökoormat tunduvalt vähendanud. Aukartust äratav.

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