Google’i majandusteadlasest piraatide organiseerituseni
Hiljuti andis lühikese intervjuu Wall Street Journali blogile Hal Varian, Google’i oma majandusteadlane. Intervjuu leidis ulatusliku järelkaja paljuski ühe lõigu pärast:
I think marketing is the new finance. In the 1960s and 1970s [we] got interesting data, and a lot of analytic fire power focused on that data; Bob Merton and Fischer Black, the whole team of people that developed modern finance. So we saw huge gains in understanding performance in the finance industry. I think marketing is in the same place: now we’re getting a lot of really good data, we have tools, we have methods, we have smart people working on it. So my view is the quants are going to move from Wall Street to Madison Avenue.
Muide, artikkel leidis mainimist vähemalt ühes eestikeelses blogis. Samas oleks huvitav teada, mida Grant McCracken sellest arvab…peaks talt küsima.
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Washington Monthly’s ilmus hiljuti huvitav artikkel keskkonnakaitse aktivistidest Hiinas ja keskvalitsuse üpris leebest suhtumisest nendesse:
It turns out Zhao has little to fear from Beijing. Not only is China’s emerging environmental movement tolerated by the central government; for the most part, it’s encouraged. More than 3,000 groups like Green Camel Bell currently operate in China, constituting the largest and most developed segment of the country’s budding civil society. Some NGO leaders are even consulted by government officials and praised by the state-controlled media.
The kid-glove treatment China’s environmental activists receive is not a sign that Beijing is willing to relinquish political control. The Communist Party’s agile leaders are well aware of the role that civil society groups have played in the fall of other authoritarian systems. Rather, the government is taking a calculated risk. It is opening space for political participation in the hope of preventing what it sees as an even greater threat: that the country’s rapidly deteriorating environment will imperil China’s vibrant economy—and perhaps, one day, the party’s own hold on power.
Huvitav eksperiment, mis pikemas perspektiivis viib ehk avatuma ühiskonna ja puhtama looduse poole. Artikkel ise ei ole aga ainult keskkonnast vaid ka Hiina tulevikust ning sellest, kuidas võimu detsentraliseerimisega kaasnevad omad probleemid.
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James Surowiecki kirjutas New Yorkeris hiljuti Pete Leeson uurimustest 18. sajandi piraatide “ühiskonna” (loe: laev) organiseerituse ehk kuidas elada väljaspool seadusi ja samas vältida täieliku kaost:
Leeson is fascinated by pirates because they flourished outside the state—and, therefore, outside the law. They could not count on higher authorities to insure that people would live up to promises or obey rules. Unlike the Mafia, pirates were not bound by ethnic or family ties; crews were as remarkably diverse as in the “Pirates of the Caribbean” films. Nor were they held together primarily by violence; while pirates did conscript some crew members, many volunteered. More strikingly, pirate ships were governed by what amounted to simple constitutions that, in greater or lesser detail, laid out the rights and duties of crewmen, rules for the handling of disputes, and incentive and insurance payments to insure that crewmen would act bravely in battle.
Kui artikkel ei oleks huvitav ma sellele ei viitaks.
Leeson’il on piraatide seerias välja tulnud kokku kolm uurimust (PDF’id):
- Rational Choice, Round Robin, and Rebellion: An Institutional Solution to the Problems of Revolution
- An-arrgh -chy: The Law and Economics of Pirate Organization
- Pirational Choice: The Economics of Infamous Pirate Practices
Muide, kes ei mäleta, siis Leesonist on ka varem Vabalogis juttu olnud.
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Lõpetuseks promoks enda väikest lugu, mis ilmus Ekspressi veebi @rvamuslehel ning kuhu hakkab minu kirjutisi ilmuma iga paari nädala tagant. Seekord kirjutasin innovatsiooni ja sellest, kui olulist rolli mängivad võrgustikud:
Eestis on praegu üheks suurimaks innovaatiliste lahenduste piduriks suletus uutele ideedele, mis tulevad väljastpoolt firmat ning vastumeelsus enda suhtevõrgustiku kasutada teiste firmade eesmärkide saavutamiseks. Eestis on mitmeid firmasid, mis saaksid oma võrgustike välja rentida või vahetada osaluse vastu mõnes äriidees. Üheks heaks näiteks on Baltika, mis on enda tootmise viinud üle Hiina ja omandanud ümberorienteerumise käigus tugeva logistilise võrgustiku, mis suudab kohalikud kontseptsioonid ja disainid üpris kiiresti realiseerida tooteseeriaks ja paisata müügile Ida-Euroopas.
Tulevikus on plaanis kindlasti kirjutada Euroopa Liidust ja ajateenistusest – mõlemast mõistagi kriitiliselt, kuid natuke süstemaatilisemalt ja läbimõeldumalt kui Vabalogis.
Categorised as: Määratlemata
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