Ostke rootslaste kaupu ja toetage (kaudselt) sõnavabadust
Kes veel ei tea, siis hiljuti puhkes järjekordne karikatuuriskandaal – seekord siis Rootsis:
Swedish artist Lars Vilks was invited by an art school to participate in an exhibit with the theme, of all things, of dogs. Vilks, something of a provocateur (his website has a cartoon of a Jew’s head on a pig’s body), submitted cartoons including one with Mohammed’s head on a dog’s body (it’s connected to the contemporary Swedish craze for “roundabout dogs,” but that’s another story). Before the exhibit opened, his drawings were removed by the organizers, citing possible security threats. Another gallery followed suit, claiming similar worries.
Praeguseks on jõutud nii kaugele, et osad mitmed islamistide veebilehed nõuavad enda lugejatelt rootslaste kaupade boikoteerimist:
Websites run by militant Islamists have listed the names of over 100 Swedish companies as possible targets in the ongoing row surrounding the publication in Swedish newspapers of a caricature of the Muslim prophet Muhammad.
Detailing the addresses, maps and logos of Swedish businesses, the websites called for their readers to boycott these firms and “take revenge” on Sweden for the publication of a controversial cartoon by artist Las Vilks.
SAS, H&M, Alfa Laval, TV 4 and Arla were among the companies listed, according to SVT news programme Rapport, which based its report on a study carried out by the Washington-based SITE Institute (the Search for International Terror Entities).
Johan Norberg pakkus selle peale, et taoliste aktsioonide tühistamiseks oleks vaja juurutada vastupidist mentaliteeti nende seas, kes toetavad sõnavabadust ja ei soovi näha liigset enesetsensuuri:
So what do we do to save our liberties from Jihadists and unprincipled politicians? It´s easy. The opponents of freedom and democracy are fewer than the supporters and their purchasing power is smaller. The only thing that makes them influential is that they act in unison. But we can do that too.
Why don´t we decide to try to buy goods from companies that find themselves in the middle of free speech conflicts like this? If we, thousands of bloggers and writers and our readers do that, the effect of every boycott will be diminished. Spread the word now, around the world, that we are buying Swedish if we need beer, food, furniture or phones this week. And then, if Canadian or Georgian companies are the next targets, we´ll buy Canadian and Georgian goods next.
Categorised as: Määratlemata
Muidugi võiks rootslasi toetada!
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