Demokraatlik Lähis-Ida paar sammu lähemal?

Loodan, et ei ole ainus, kes on tundnud huvi selle vastu, mis sorti inimese need enesetapu terroristid õieti on ning mida endast kujutavad. Austin Bay kirjutab enda blogis sellest, kuidas ajalehed Bagdadis on selle teema vastu huvi tundma hakanud ja jõudnud mõnevõrra üllatavale järeldusele – vähemalt osa neist on idioodid:

Al Mashriq reports Ahmed Abdullah, 20 years old, asked the Interior Minister to not hand him over to the Americans after he was arrested when his truck exploded and he was wounded. An investigator asked Ahmed about Osama Bin Laden and he answered that Osama is killing Moslem. Ahmed came to Iraq from Syria. When he arrived in Iraq he met people from the Al Tawilla wa Al Jihad organization. He was then trained by them for two months. Ahmed had $1800 with him but his leaders took it away from him and told him they would give him $100 when he needed money. On the day of the explosion they asked him to drive a truck near an American base and told him that he had to wait for someone there. He added, “When I went there the truck exploded.”


Viimaste päevade sündmused on aga lootust andnud, et dominoefekt ei ole Lähis-Idas midagi võimatut, pigem vastupidi. Massilised demonstratsioonid Liibanonis ja Egiptuse valitsuse liikumine demokraatia poole annavad tunnistust sellest, et Iraagi valimised on avanud ka naaberriikide elanike silmad. Mark Steyn kirjutab Telegraphis:

The Saudi foreign minister, who by remarkable coincidence goes by the name of Prince Saud, told Newsweek that women would be voting in the next Saudi election. “That is going to be good for the election,” he said, “because I think women are more sensible voters than men.”

Four-time Egyptian election winner – and with 90 per cent of the vote! – President Mubarak announced that next polling day he wouldn’t mind an opponent. Ordering his stenographer to change the constitution to permit the first multi-choice presidential elections in Egyptian history, His Excellency said the country would benefit from “more freedom and democracy”. The state-run TV network hailed the president’s speech as a “historical decision in the nation’s 7,000-year-old march toward democracy”. After 7,000 years on the march, they’re barely out of the parking lot, so Mubarak’s move is, as they say, a step in the right direction.

Meanwhile in Damascus, Boy Assad, having badly overplayed his hand in Lebanon and after months of denying that he was harbouring any refugee Saddamites, suddenly discovered that – wouldja believe it? – Saddam’s brother and 29 other bigshot Baghdad Baathists were holed up in north-eastern Syria, and promptly handed them over to the Iraqi government.

And, for perhaps the most remarkable development, consider this report from Mohammed Ballas of Associated Press: “Palestinians expressed anger on Saturday at an overnight suicide bombing in Tel Aviv that killed four Israelis and threatened a fragile truce, a departure from former times when they welcomed attacks on their Israeli foes.”

No disrespect to Associated Press, but I was disinclined to take their word for it. However, Charles Johnson, whose Little Green Footballs website has done an invaluable job these past three years presenting the ugly truth about Palestinian death-cultism, reported that he went hunting around the internet for the usual photographs of deliriously happy Gazans dancing in the street and handing out sweets to celebrate the latest addition to the pile of Jew corpses – and, to his surprise, couldn’t find any.

Sama ajal ilmub Eestis – Päevalehes – artikkel, kus mingi türannia vabandaja heietab selle üle, kuidas Iraagi valimised midagi ei tähenda, et meedia ja valitsused lihtsalt petavad ja lollitavad naiivseid masse. Täiesti masendav loogika (kas seda seal üldse oli!), mis ignoreerib tegelikust.

Ärka üles mees, vaata natuke ringi…kas või internetis!

Küsimus: kas iraaklased oleksid üldse huvitatud ÜRO sekkumisest nende toimetamistesse pärast “oil-for-food” fiaskot, mis ei ole veel siiani lõpp-vaatuseni jõudnud ning ÜRO “rahuvalvajate” sekspeditsiooni Bosinasse ja Kongosse?

TÄIENDATUD: Professor R.J.Rummel käsitleb teoreetilisemast vaatenurgast Lähis-Idas toimuvat ja seda vägagi lubavate järeldustega.

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2 kommentaari

  1. BC ütleb:

    nendel islamimaadel ja demokreetial on sama palju seoseid kui seal ja käol.. et ma nii optimistlik ei oleks kui sina..

    ja igasugune ÜRO sekkumine.. mhmm.. see ei ole tegelt seal maal miski näitaja.. sellel on sama palju abi kui janusel rebasel pudelist õllest..

  2. Paul ütleb:

    Lootus, et demokraatia Araabiamaades areneb on üsna nõrgal jääl. Võib nõustuda bloggeriga, et see jää on momendil pisut tugevam, kui aasta tagasi, kuid see jää ei kannata veel õieti midagi.

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