Kui piraadid ei ole piraadid ja kanep ei suurenda vähi riski

Rootsi politsei korraldas 31. mail haarangu The Pirate Bay BitTorrenti träkkerile. Konfiskeeriti hulgaliselt servereid, arvuteid ja ülekuulamisele tiriti kaasa hulgaliselt inimesi. Kõige huvitavam on kogu loo juures tõsiasi, et Pirate Bay serverites ei pruugi olle midagi illegaalset. Piratbyrån (Piraadi büroo) üks asutajatest selgitas:

“The Anti-Pirate Bureau has clearly misled the police in this case, “ said Andersson.

“They appear to have persuaded police who are incompetent in IT that the servers in question are full of copyright-protected material. This is a gross misuse of taxpayers’ money.”

Andersson also condemned the fact that police had closed down a number of other websites, including The Pirate Bureau, which he says is no longer officially linked to the Pirate Bay.

“This is the greatest infringement. The Anti-Pirate Bureau has clearly fooled the police into closing down its antagonists, The Pirate Bureau.”

“We are very upset that the film industry doesn’t dare to have a debate , and chooses instead to trick politicians and the police into criminalizing their opponents and a large portion of the Swedish population.”

Ma jään huviga seda lugu jälgima, sest tõenäoliselt on nii politsei kui läbiotsimis- ja konfiskeerimisload väljastanud ametnikud ületanud neile antud volitusi ja lasknud ennast lollitada.

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Värskest uurimusest selgub, et kanepi suitsetamine ei suurenda vähi ohtu:

The study, which compared the lifestyles of 611 Los Angeles County lung cancer patients and 601 patients with head and neck cancers with those of 1,040 people without cancer, found no elevated cancer risk for even the heaviest pot smokers. It did find a 20-fold increased risk of lung cancer in people who smoked two or more packs of cigarettes a day.

He theorized that tetrahydrocannabinol, or THC, a chemical in marijuana smoke that produces its psychotropic effect, may encourage aging, damaged cells to die off before they become cancerous.

Jääb üle ainult huvi tunda, miks on kanep jätkuvalt keelatud samas kui tubakas ja alkohol on vabalt saadav? Kas aeg ei oleks eemalduda eelarvamustest ja natuke kainemalt vaadata praegusele korraldusele Eestis?

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One Comment

  1. BC ütleb:

    kas just kainemalt vaadata.. seda ma ei tea.. aga tavalise tubaka ja värkide suitsetamise võiks samuti ära keelustada nagu kanepi omagi!!! 😉

    aga see serverite konfiskeerimine on jah tänapäeval suht mõtetu.. sest enamasti sisaldavad need ju väikemeestel vaid siiski progejuppe mis vitavad viidatavatele failidele.. ja ise ei sisalda midagi illegaalset.

    lahe lahe.. 😀

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