Hotellide ajaloost Hitleri USA mõtisklusteni ja vietnamlastest küünetehnikuteni
Michael Franc uuris USA presidendikandidaatide annetusi ja leidis, et Demokraatidest on saamas erinevate eliitide (majanduslik ja haridus) partei samas kui Vabariiklasi toetavad üha rohkem ja rohkem pigem lihttöölised:
What should we make of all this? National political parties, after all, reflect their supporters, and party leaders traditionally feel a responsibility to cater to their supporters’ whims. A party that receives overwhelming support from elite Wall Street investment firms, corporate bigwigs, and highly educated professionals may find it exceedingly difficult to raise their taxes or impose draconian new Big Government regulations on them. Similarly, a party that is losing well-educated suburban professionals and gaining support from blue-collar workers may find it more difficult to support free trade agreements and embrace globalization.
Kui kellelgi oli illusioone sellest, et raha poliitikuid ei mõjuta, siis Franc toob enda artikli lõpus välja mitmeid konkreetseid näiteid sellest, kuidas rahalised annetused vaikselt, kuid kindlalt ka poliitikat kujundavad. Ühtlasi võiks ajakirjanikud Franc’i töö tulemust rohkem arvesse võtta kui järjekordset Demokraadi või Vabariiklase prototüüpi hakkavad otsima.
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Igal valdkonnal on oma varjatud ajalugu, mida keegi enam eriti ei mäleta, kuid mis siiski on vähemalt mõne üksiku inimese jaoks piisavalt huvitav, et seda sügavamalt uurida ja huvitavamad palad teiste jaoks kirja panna. Reason’is ilmus hiljuti Hotel: An American History tutvustus:
Nearly all early hotels went bankrupt. But the men who financed these palaces shared an ideology and vocation; every one of them had made a fortune in overseas trade. In a country still 90 percent agrarian, hotels were monuments to the still suspect concepts of commerce and travel and the scions of trade who drove both forward. “In the same way that church architecture emphasized the divine with vertical lines that guided people’s gaze skyward and sunlit stained glass that dazzled the eye,” writes Sandoval-Strausz, “hotels focused public attention on the benefits of trade and pointed toward a commercial future for the nation.”
Midagi nii iseenesest mõistetavat nagu hotell oli kunagi riskantne ettevõtmine, mida saatis sagedasti ebaedu, kuid just nendes esimestes katsetustes peitusid edasiste õnnestumiste seemned. Täna on majutustööstuse aastane käive ainuüksi USA’s üle 100 miljardi dollari.
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Huvitav pilk New York Timesis väetisetööstusele seoses aina kasvavate toiudainete hindadega. Selgub, et ega seda väetistki nii palju ole kui arvata võiks:
The demand for fertilizer has been driven by a confluence of events, including population growth, shrinking world grain stocks and the appetite for corn and palm oil to make biofuel. But experts say the biggest factor has been the growing demand for food, especially meat, in the developing world.
Väetisetootjad ise suuremat probleemi ei näe, sest on juba alustanud uute tehaste rajamist ja olemas olevate laiendamist, kuid aktiivsemal väetiste kasutamisel on ka arvestatav negatiivne mõju keskkonnale. Samas on just väetiste kasutamine võimaldanud maailma elanikkonnal kasvada praegusele tasemele:
As the use of such fertilizer spread, it was accompanied by improved plant varieties and greater mechanization. From 1900 to 2000, worldwide food production jumped by 600 percent. Scientists said that increase was the fundamental reason world population was able to rise to about 6.7 billion today from 1.7 billion in 1900.
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Mida arvas Hitler Ameerika Ühendriikidest? Selgub, et Hitler oli 1941-1944 aastani erinevatel teemadel “tulevastele sugupõlvedele” enda mõtteid jäädvustanud ja paaril korral läks jutt ka USA’le. New York Times tõi ära mõned “pärlid”:
America can be paid only in gold. A commerce based on the exchange of products is not possible with America, for America suffers from a surplus of raw materials and a plethora of manufactured goods. This gold which the Americans receive in exchange for the labor they supply, they hide it away in their strong-rooms – and they imagine the world will yield to this policy born in the smoky brain of a Jewish thinker! The result is their 13 million unemployed.
Huvitavaks teeb need lõigud see, milles Hitler Saksamaad ja USA’t võrdleb, kus näeb tugevusi ja kus nõrkusi.
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Kui midagi juba USA popkultuuri imbub, siis tõenäoliselt väärib see natuke rohkem tähelepanu juba ainuüksi uudishimu tõttu. Miks on enamus maniküüre USA (eriti läänerannikul) Vietnaamist ja miks on maniküüri (või küünetehniku) stereotüübiks üha rohkem kujunemas vietnamlanna (näiteks: Las Vegas).
Selgub, et kõik sai alguse 20 vietnamlannast ja ühest tähelepanelikust Hollywoodi näitlejannast:
Hedren was captivated by the refugees’ stories of their homeland. They were, among other things, fascinated by her nails — long, oval, the color of coral.
“I noticed that these women were very good with their hands,” said Hedren, now 78. “I thought, why couldn’t they learn how to do nails?”
So Hedren flew in her manicurist once a week to teach the women how to trim cuticles, remove calluses and perform nail wraps. She persuaded a nearby beauty school to teach the women and helped them find jobs.
Täna on 80% Kalifornia ja 43% USA maniküüridest pärit Vietnaamist.
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Head lingid, aitäh! 🙂