Evolutsioon lennunduses ning autonduses, lootus Iraagis ja Belgia protointernetist
Taxis in The Sky ilmus mõni aeg tagasi, kuid väärib lugemist juba ainuüksi sellepärast, kuidas tarkvara ettevõtte ärimudelit ja omapära üritatakse rakendada lennunduses uudse ärimudeli väljatöötamisel:
DayJet’s success to date has also depended on the confluence of several technologies that all matured at once. Indeed, the most startling aspect of its story is the insistence from top to bottom that at heart, it is not an aviation company at all. “You could think of us as really a software company,” Jim Herriott, one of the ant farmers, told me. What he meant was that the Internet has become an unimaginably refined and powerful tool for routing packets of data from place to place. “We are about developing an Internet for stuff”—the stuff in this case being passengers in seats.
Huvitav on ka see kui oluline on selle tegelikult suht tagasihoidliku ettevõtte jaoks mõned vene päritolu matemaatikud, kes pidevalt uusi liine erinevate algoritmidega välja üritavad pigistada. Midagi taolist võiks ühel ilusal päeval ka Euroopas toimida.
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Hope for Iraq’s Meansest City heidab pilgu Fallujah saatusele pärast Iraagi sõja algust. Linn oli ameeriklaste vastu üks vaenulikumaid ja see oli ka põhjus, miks sellest kujunes üks vägivaldsemaid ja rahutumaid piirkondi Iraagis. Samas on see olnud suurepäraseks õppeväljaks ameeriklastele, kes on pidevalt sunnitud enda lähenemist ümber mõtlema kuni lõpuks on saavutatud olukord, mis lubab isegi mõnevõrra optimistlikum Iraagi tuleviku suhtes olla:
Fallujah’s worst days are likely behind it. “The al-Qaida leadership outside dumped huge amounts of money and people and arms into Anbar Province,” says Lieutenant Colonel Mike Silverman, who oversees an area just north of Ramadi. “They poured everything they had into this place. The battle against Americans in Anbar became their most important fight in the world. And they lost.”
Suur roll on siin ka kohalikel endil mängida, kellel vähemalt selle artikli järgi, lihtsalt sai kõrini erinevate vägivallatsejate ja jõhkardite terrorist. Lõpuks otsustati leppida pigem ameeriklaste rahu kui fundamentalistide igavese tapmisega.
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Electro-Schock Thereapy annab põhjaliku ülevaate sellest, kuidas General Motors uut elektriautot välja töötab, kuidas see haakub ettevõtte innovatsioonikultuuri ja varasemate kogemustega nagu ka sellest, kui palju sellest ambitsioonikast projektist sõltub GM’i tulevik autotootjana:
GM, once notoriously smug, today is a hungry company. Its executives and engineers will recount, at the drop of a hat, the great technologies and cars that GM has fathered. They want some of that glory back. They know the world expects them to fail, and that makes them all the hungrier. “The empire strikes back,” is how one executive sums up the Volt’s effect on morale.
Rick Wagoner, the CEO, is a GM lifer who joined the company fresh out of Harvard Business School in 1977, and he knows his history. “Making big bets is not something this company has been averse to,” he told me. GM’s downfall has been in execution and follow-through, not ambition. “If I’ve learned anything over the past three or four years,” Wagoner said, it’s that “a lot of this business is sticking with it and persistence. In the coaching vernacular, we’re going to leave it on the floor to make this happen.”
Ühtlasi tuleb artiklis juttu ka sellest, miks GM’i eelmine elektriauto EV1 täielikult läbi kukkus samas jättes inimestele mulje nagu keegi torpedeeriks elektriauto projekte tahtlikult. Samas on artikli peamine rõhk (paljuski vist tahtmatult) seotud organisatsiooni psühholoogiaga ehk kuidas inimesi motiveerida, milleks on vajalikud visioonid ja kuidas julgeda riskida. Volt’ist võib pilte leida sõidukikodulehelt.
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The Web Time Forgot’ist selgub, et internetil oli ka vana-vanaisa, kes tajus küll vajadust informatsioonivõrgustiku järele, kuid probleem seisnes selles, et ta elas 19. sajandi lõpu ja 20. sajandi alguse Belgias. Mõni aeg tagasi valgustas New York Times ühes artiklis selle proto-interneti looja elulugu ja saavutusi:
In 1934, Paul Otlet sketched out plans for a global network of computers (or “electric telescopes,” as he called them) that would allow people to search and browse through millions of interlinked documents, images, audio and video files. He described how people would use the devices to send messages to one another, share files and even congregate in online social networks. He called the whole thing a “réseau,” which might be translated as “network” — or arguably, “web.”
Artikkel võiks huvi pakkuda kõigile, keda analooginterneti toimimise põhimõtted võiksid huvitada. Eraldi väärib esile tõstmist üks lõik artiklist, mis selgitab, et analooginternet seisis pikka aega lihtsalt ühes keldris:
After Otlet’s death, what survived of the original Mundaneum was left to languish in an old anatomy building of the Free University in the Parc Leopold until 1968, when a young graduate student named W. Boyd Rayward picked up the paper trail. Having read some of Otlet’s work, he traveled to the abandoned office in Brussels, where he discovered a mausoleumlike room full of books and mounds of paper covered in cobwebs.
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