Wikipedia eklektiline sügavus V

Mida oleks arvanud Borges sellisest lõpmatult kirjust ja pidevalt muutuvast entsükopeediast nagu Wikipedia, kus kõrvuti seisavad nii reaalne ja muutumatu kui väljamõeldud ja pidevalt muutuv?

  • Yellow journalism the term originated from the New York Press coined term yellow kid journalism in early 1897 after a then-popular comic strip to describe the down market papers of Pulitzer and Hearst, which both published versions of it during a circulation war. This was soon shortened to yellow journalism with the New York Press insisting, “We called them Yellow because they are Yellow.”
  • Folly is a building constructed strictly as a decoration, having none of the usual purposes of housing or sheltering associated with a conventional structure. They originated as decorative accents in parks and estates. “Folly” is used in the sense of fun or light-heartedness, not in the sense of something ill-advised.
  • Bezoar is a sort of calculus or concretion, a stone found in the intestines of mostly ruminant animals, but occurring among others including humans. There are several varieties of bezoar, some of which have inorganic constituents and others organic.
  • Liger is a crossbreed between lion and tiger. The liger is the largest animal in the cat family and the largest non-obese liger is said to weigh over 1,100 lbs, over twice the size of a male lion or a male tiger.
  • Dorodango is a Japanese art form in which earth and water are moulded to create a shiny sphere. The core of the ball is made of basic mud, and further dusted with finer-grained soil before the water is drawn out through various methods- even sealing the ball inside a plastic bag and letting the water evaporate and then condense. Once the ball is fully tempered and hardened, it is polished by hand and displayed.

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One Comment

  1. Jaak Kikas ütleb:

    “Kontakt ja harjumine Tlöniga on selle maailma laostanud.”
    Kuigi, jah, Wiki-kogukond pole Orbis Tertius – aga ehk võib ka wiki-laadne hajustegevus anda tulemusi, mis polegi nii erinevad distsiplineeritud ja ühe eesmärgi nimel töötava vennaskonna pürgimustest? Ehk on erinevus vaid töömeetodis?
    “Maailmast saab Tlön. Aga mina ei hooli sellest, vaid jätkan vaikseil päevil Androgue villas Browne’i “Urn Buriali” arglikku tõlkimist Quevedo stiili (vähimagi kavatsuseta seda trükki anda.)”

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