Oh sind ja sinu tempe, Herman
Ultimately, the Flemish Christian-Democrats gave in, reneged on their promise to their voters, and agreed to join a government without BHV being split. Worse still, the new government has more French-speaking than Dutch-speaking ministers, and does not have the support of the majority of the Flemings in Parliament, although the Flemings make up a 60% majority of the Belgian population. Herman became the Speaker of the Parliament. In this position he had to prevent Parliament, and the Flemish representatives there, from voting a bill to split BHV. He succeeded in this, by using all kinds of tricks. One day he even had the locks of the plenary meeting room changed so that Parliament could not convene to vote on the issue. On another occasion, he did not show up in his office for a whole week to avoid opening a letter demanding him to table the matter. His tactics worked. In December 2008, when the Belgian Prime Minister had to resign in the wake of a financial scandal, Herman became the new leader of the predominantly French-speaking government which does not represent the majority of Belgium’s ethnic majority group. During the past 11 months, he has skillfully managed to postpone any parliamentary vote on the BHV matter, thereby prolonging a situation which the Supreme Court, responding to Herman’s own complaint in 2003, has ruled to be unconstitutional.
Kes veel ära ei tabanud, siis tsitaadi sangariks olev Herman on ei keegi muu kui meie kauge president Brüsselis, Herman van Rompuy. Artikkel ei ole pikk, kuid samas annab hea ettekujutuse sellest, milline inimene on sattunud täiesti ebademokraatlike mahhinatsioonide tulemusena Euroopa Liidu presidendiks – aate- ja põhimõttevaba bürokraat. Saab näha, kas ta mees suudab enda uue ametikohaga natuke väärikamalt ümber käia või lähevad peatselt jälle lahti liivakastimängud.
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