Eurotsooni hädad ja vead ehk lõpu järgmisest vaatusest
Tänu kreeklaste ja ECB vastastiku bravuurikatele sõnavõttudele on viimaste päevade jooksul ilmunud mitmeid huvitavaid ja provokatiivseid kirjutisi rahaliidu tulevikust. Igal juhul viitab artiklite rohkus koos nende sisuga olukorra jätkuvale halvenemisele, millest pole võita kellelgi. Kui nõudlik saab aga kreeklaste suhtes olla kui neil võib ühel hetkel tekkida mõte, et milleks lasta endale nõudmisi dikteerida kui iseseisva riigina jääb neil alati võimalus öelda "ei"? Institutsionaalse hõõrdumise vaatemäng jätkub, kuid selle taustal võib enda silmaringi laiendada järgnevate artiklitega:
Intolerable choices for the eurozone – Martin Wolf kirjutab enda Financial Times'i kolumnis, et põhimõttelisi valikuid on kaks ja ülejäänud on pigem hämamine ja tõele näkku vaatamisest hoidumine:
The eurozone confronts a choice between two intolerable options: either default and partial dissolution or open-ended official support. The existence of this choice proves that an enduring union will at the very least need deeper financial integration and greater fiscal support than was originally envisaged. How will the politics of these choices now play out? I truly have no idea. I wonder whether anybody does.
The ECB’s stealth bailout – Martin Wolf viitas enda kolumnis Hans-Werner Sinn'i hiljutisele sõnavõtule, kus ta selgitas, kuidas ja millises ulatuses Euroopa Keskpank kaudselt kõige õnnetumas olukorras olevaid rahaliidu liikmeid finantseerib ja kuidas see pidu lõpmatuseni kesta ei saa – küsimus on rohkem selles, kuidas mõjutab venitamine teisi rahaliidus liikmesmaid :
Some European countries, however, seek an extension of the ECB policy via the European Stability Mechanism’s formal issuing of eurobonds (regular credit flows guaranteed by the Eurozone countries in proportion to their ECB capital shares). Since what the ECB has done with its Target credits, whose risk is also born by the euro-using countries in proportion to their capital shares, comes close to issuing short term eurobonds, such a move many seem logical. It would halt the rise in Target loans and salvage the ECB from an unbearable situation. However, it would also perpetuate the GIPS countries’ trade deficits and prevent the necessary real depreciation that they have to undergo to become competitive again. It would thus increase the GIPS foreign debt year by year and would inevitably lead either to a collapse of the Euro-System or to a European transfer union. The longer the cheap money drug is indulged in, the more painful the withdrawal. Wait too long and no cure will be possible.
Problemaatiliseks teeb aga olukorra tõsiasi, et vähemalt tänaste sündmuste valguses ei näi ägestunum osa kreeklaste seltskonnast aduvat, millise supi sisse nad on ennast kavaldanud läbi varjamise ja manipuleerimise.
Andre Lilico kirjeldab aga Telegraph'is, mis siis juhtub, kui kreeklased lõpuks maksejõuetuks muutuvad, kusjuures postitus hakkab üpriski masendavalt:
It is when, not if. Financial markets merely aren’t sure whether it’ll be tomorrow, a month’s time, a year’s time, or two years’ time (it won’t be longer than that). Given that the ECB has played the “final card” it employed to force a bailout upon the Irish – threatening to bankrupt the country’s banking sector – presumably we will now see either another Greek bailout or default within days.
Mulle meeldis, et Lilico juhib tähelepanu ka tõsiasjale, mis näitab kui usaldusväärsed on "supranatsionaalsed kokkulepped" kui olukord vähegi keerulisemaks läheb ja mida siit järeldada tasub:
The French and German governments will meet to decide whether (a) to recapitalise the ECB, or (b) to allow the ECB to print money to restore its solvency. (Because the ECB has relatively little foreign currency-denominated exposure, it could in principle print its way out, but this is forbidden by its founding charter. On the other hand, the EU Treaty explicitly, and in terms, forbids the form of bailouts used for Greece, Portugal and Ireland, but a little thing like their being blatantly illegal hasn’t prevented that from happening, so it’s not intrinsically obvious that its being illegal for the ECB to print its way out will prove much of a hurdle.)
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