Wikipedia eklektiline sügavus II
Mõni aeg tagasi sai otsustatud, et mõned huvitavamad artiklid Wikipediast väärivad eraldi ja regulaarselt esile tõstmist. Eelkõige on plaan keskenduda just Wikipedia eklektilsematele artiklitele, mis ei ole päevakajalised, kuid võivad uudishimulikele mõnusal suveõhtul meeldivat vaheldust pakkuda.
- Laki is a volcanic fissure situated in the south of Iceland. On 8 June 1783, a fissure with 130 craters opened. This event is rated as VEI 6 on the Volcanic Explosivity Index, but the eight month emission of sulfuric aerosols resulted in one of the most important climatic and socially repercussive events of the last millennium!
- Festivus is an annual holiday invented by writer Dan O’Keefe and introduced into popular culture by his son Daniel, a scriptwriter for the TV show Seinfeld.
- The Catalpa rescue was the daring escape, in 1876, of six Fenian prisoners from what was then the British penal colony of Western Australia.
- Dosa is a South Indian crêpe. This food, rich in carbohydrates and proteins, is a typical South Indian food taken as breakfast or dinner. It is first noted in the sangam Literature of Tamil language dated to the Christian era.
- Krav Maga is an eclectic self-defense and military hand-to-hand combat system developed in Israel, whic assumes no quarter will be given, and emphasizes maximum threat neutralization in a “real life” context.
Järgmine osa juba vaikselt kogub kandidaate ning ilmub Vabalogis juba peatselt. Eelmise osa leiab aga siit.
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Catalpa juhtumi kohta oli dokumentaalfilm viimase aasta jooksul, Viasat History kanalilt tõenäoliselt…
Päris huvitav lugu, valgustas natuke Iiri vabadusvõitluse lugu
Hehee…me oleme samale dokumentaalfilmile sattunud.