Kummastavaid avastusi süvakosmosest

Don’t get the idea that we’ve found every kind of astronomical object there is in the universe. In a paper to appear in theAstrophysical Journal, astronomers working on the Supernova Cosmology Project report finding a new kind of something that they cannot make any sense of.

Inimeste uudishimu kompab galaktikate vahelist ruumi kuni 11-miljardi valgusaasta kaugusel.

The mystery object did not behave like any known kind of supernova. It is not even in any detectable galaxy. “The shape of the light curve is inconsistent with microlensing,” say the researchers. They recorded three spectra of it — and its spectrum, they write, “in addition to being inconsistent with all known supernova types, is not matched to any spectrum in the Sloan Digital Sky Survey database” of vast numbers of objects. “We suggest that the transient may be one of a new class.”

Kuni ei ole teada, millega on tegu, on kõik võimalik – isegi kõige ulmelisem stsenaarium.

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