Nobeli memoriaalpreemia majandusteaduses läks Paul Krugmanile

Vaatamata sellele, et Paul Krugman on viimastel aastatel rohkem poleemikust kolumnisti (vaata: Left Out: A Critique of Paul Krugman Based  on a Comprehensive Account of His New York Times Columns, 1997 through 2006 – PDF) majandusteadlase rolli täitnud, siis tema varasem panus sama hästi kui garanteeris Nobeli varem või hiljem.

Selgub, et rootslased otsustasid varasema kasuks. Peamiseks põhjenduseks Krugmani panus rahvusvahelise kaubanduse ja majandusgeograafia uurimises. Omalt poolt lisaks, et majandusgeograafia on jätkuvalt üks huvitavamaid valdkondi ja ma pole veel taganenud sellest 2006. aasta juuni postitusest, kus sai eriala alles otsivatele noortele soovitatud georaafiat laiemalt ja majandusgeograafiat kitsamalt.

Üritan siia järgmiste päevade jooksul koguda viiteid erinevatele analüüsidele ja reaktsioonidele.

Tyler Cowen:

This was definitely a “real world” pick and a nod in the direction of economists who are engaged in policy analysis and writing for the broader public.  Krugman is a solo winner and solo winners are becoming increasingly rare.  That is the real statement here, namely that Krugman deserves his own prize, all to himself.  This could easily have been a joint prize, given to other trade figures as well, but in handing it out solo I believe the committee is a) stressing Krugman’s work in economic geography, and b) stressing the importance of relevance for the economist. 

Pete Boettke:

Swedes just made perhaps the worst decision in the history of the prize today in naming Paul Krugman the 2008 award winner.  It is not that Krugman’s work is entirely without merit, but it always had major problems with it.  Right now I have to get over my shock and horror and write a commissioned piece on this.  But today I would say is a sad day for economics, not a day to be celebrated.

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