Pariisi rahutuste tagamaadest
Pariisi ümbruses aset leidvad rahutused on peatselt kestnud juba nädala ja lõppu ei näi anarhiale tulevat. Poliitikud teevad, mida poliitikud ikka teevad (süüdistavad üksteist) ja tavainimesed peavad ise vaatama, kuidas enda vara kaitsevad/hoiavad.
Police said as many as 69 cars were set on fire on Tuesday night in nine towns in the Seine-Saint-Denis region, home to many impoverished communities.
The original flashpoint of Clichy-sous-Bois, where police were out in force, was calmer, but trouble flared in nearby areas.
Correspondents say anger grew after a tear gas canister was hurled into a mosque in Clichy-sous-Bois on Sunday night. Emotions have also been fuelled by mass arrests.
Lisan ka viite väiksele fotoseeriale BBC’lt tagajärgede kohta. Üldiselt olukord on piisavalt karm, et iga üks võib enda eelistaud uudisteallikast midagi toimuva kohta leida.
Enda poolt lisaks vaid viite Theodore Darlymple’i artiklile 2002. aasta sügiseses City Journalis, mis on pikema poolne, kuid käsitleb päris põhjalikult mentaliteeti, mis on praeguste rahutusteni viinud:
The police have become impotent to suppress and detect crime. Horror stories abound. A Parisian acquaintance told me how one recent evening he had seen two criminals attack a car in which a woman was waiting for her husband. They smashed her side window and tried to grab her purse, but she resisted. My acquaintance went to her aid and managed to pin down one of the assailants, the other running off. Fortunately, some police passed by, but to my acquaintance’s dismay let the assailant go, giving him only a warning.
My acquaintance said to the police that he would make a complaint. The senior among them advised him against wasting his time. At that time of night, there would be no one to complain to in the local commissariat. He would have to go the following day and would have to wait on line for three hours. He would have to return several times, with a long wait each time. And in the end, nothing would be done.
As for the police, he added, they did not want to make an arrest in a case like this. There would be too much paperwork. And even if the case came to court, the judge would give no proper punishment. Moreover, such an arrest would retard their careers. The local police chiefs were paid by results—by the crime rates in their areas of jurisdiction. The last thing they wanted was for policemen to go around finding and recording crime.
Kasulik lugemine kõigile, kes soovivad põhjalikumalt mõista praeguste rahutuste tagamaid.
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Kas ma olen õigesti aru saanud, et prantslased muutuvadki perioodiliselt rahutuks. Meelde tulevad ’75 aasta üliõpilasrahutused ja nagu oleks neid veel olnud.
Minule on kõige selgemalt meelde jäänud (kaudsetest allikatest) 1968. aasta mais toimunud streigid ja protestid Pariisis (Wikipedia artikkel:
Praegune olukord erineb kõigist eelnevatest aga peamiselt mässajate etnilise tagatausta tõttu: enamus neist on esimese või teise põlvkonna immigrandid Põhja-Aafrikast, kes pole saanud/suutnud integreeruda kohaliku ühiskonda.
Tõenäoliselt “põlised” prantslased praeguseid mässajaid prantslastene ei defineeriks. Rahutuste põhjused tunduvad ka varasemast märksa kriminaalsemad olevat. Muidu nii kallis solidaarsus on ka kuidagi väga tagasihoidlikult enda pead kergitanud.