101 soovitust 50 parimalt blogivalt väikeettevõtjalt
American Express Open Forum on koondanud ühte postitusse 101 soovitust väikeettevõtjatel, mis lühikesed, konkreetsed ja asjalikud. Soovitused on kirja pannud 50 parimat väikeettevõtjast blogijat ja need on grupeeritud paarikümne teema kaupa (alustamine, motivatsioon, konkurendid, turundus jne). Terve nimekiri väärib lugemist, sest pakub igale ettevõtjale midagi, kuid omalt poolt tooks välja 6 soovitust, mis tundusid täna esile tõstmise väärilised:
6. “Outlast the competition. I was amazed at all the empty storefronts I saw in LA on my last visit. On one particular block, three or four of the ten lunch places were shut down. And the others? Doing great. That’s because the remaining office workers who used to eat lunch at the shuttered places had to eat somewhere, and so the survivors watched their business grow. A war of attrition is never pretty, but if you’re smart about overhead and scale, you’ll win it.”
— Seth Godin, Seth’s Blog8. “Count up your successes regularly. One person I know put a marble in a fishbowl each time she got a compliment or a bit of good press for her business or a nice note from a customer or a big order. Then every time she looked at the fishbowl she was reminded of all the good things in her business. Her employees could see it, too. This is invaluable on days when everything seems to go wrong. It keeps self-doubt from building up – and tearing you down. It also helps employees feel good.”
— Anita Campbell, Small Business Trends31. “Allow folks to work off hours. Commuting sucks and is a waste of time for everyone. Let folks start at 6am or 11am and you’ll cut their commute in half.”
— Jason Calacanis, Calacanis.com46. “Be Consistent: You’ve spent a lot of money on your name, website and logo. Are you using them consistently across your web site, business cards, signage and even in your invoices/receipts? Take a 360 degree view of your business from your customers eyes and make sure you’re hard-earned identity is served up consistently.”
— Kevin Dougan, Strategic Public Relations71. “Always be polite and cordial, even if you think the entire population of the room/party/event you are at are insipid pond scum not worth the light of day. The irritating, pompous pest with an attitude problem and personal hygiene to rival your average skunk may one day turn out to be your best client, or the one man in town who can provide what you need.”
— Derek Heck, Bootstrapping Blog93. “An idea by itself is almost worthless. It’s how you execute that matters. Focus on execution.”
— Dane Carlson, Business Opportunities Weblog
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