Keerulised sõnda tegelikult päris lihtsatele nähtustele, kuid sageli üllatavaltki mitmekülgsete sissekannetega – või siis mitte. Devil’s Night is a name associated with October 30, the night before Halloween, particularly in Detroit, Michigan. In the early 1970s a dark side of this holiday emerged and the vandalism escalated to more severe acts such as arson. The destruction […]
Mida oleks arvanud Borges sellisest lõpmatult kirjust ja pidevalt muutuvast entsükopeediast nagu Wikipedia, kus kõrvuti seisavad nii reaalne ja muutumatu kui väljamõeldud ja pidevalt muutuv? Yellow journalism the term originated from the New York Press coined term yellow kid journalism in early 1897 after a then-popular comic strip to describe the down market papers of […]
Kuni ma koondan mõtteid finantskriisist millekski huvitavaks ja loetavaks, pakun aja sisustamiseks välja natuke wikieklektikat: Teh is an English article based on a common misspelling of the. Originating from a common typographical error, this typo became a part of Internet slang and subsequently developed grammatical usages distinct from the. Barley water is a popular British […]
Tundub, et Wikipediast pole veel eklektilisemad artiklid ammendunud, seega hea võimalus mõnda neist teistega jagada: Fainting goat is a breed of domestic goat whose muscles freeze for roughly 10 seconds when the goat is startled. When startled, younger goats will stiffen and fall over. Older goats learn to spread their legs or lean against something when startled, […]