Sotsialiseeritud meditsiinisüsteemi loogiline areng
Neid, kes arvavad, et sotsialiseeritud meditsiinisüsteem võimaldab neile soovitud ravi isegi vanemas eas, ootab ees ebameeldiv üllatus. Rootsi meditsiinisüsteemi tõstetakse esile kui ühte eeskujulikumat, kuid sotsialiseeritusega kaasnevatest piirangutest ravi osutamisel pole ka seal pääsu. Vahendab The Local:
An 83-year-old woman from Östergötland in southern Sweden was forced to pay for back surgery out of her own pocket after doctors at her local public hospital told her she was too old for the treatment.
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“I would have been confined to a wheel chair if we hadn’t called a private hospital. I immediately got an appointment and the doctor didn’t say anything about me being too old,” Skogh told the Expressen newspaper.
Skogh ended up paying 130,000 kronor ($17,500) for the surgery needed to relieve the pain caused by the spinal stenosis.
Less than a month after the surgery, she is living pain-free and says the price she paid for private treatment was worth regaining her quality of life.
“There are thousands of people in my situation. With a meager pension, they don’t have the ability to do what I did. It’s important that they receive assistance in preserving their right to a dignified life,” she told Expressen.
An 83-year-old woman from Östergötland in southern Sweden was forced to pay for back surgery out of her own pocket after doctors at her local public hospital told her she was too old for the treatment.. . .“I would have been confined to a wheel chair if we hadn’t called a private hospital. I immediately got an appointment and the doctor didn’t say anything about me being too old,” Skogh told the Expressen newspaper.Skogh ended up paying 130,000 kronor ($17,500) for the surgery needed to relieve the pain caused by the spinal stenosis.Less than a month after the surgery, she is living pain-free and says the price she paid for private treatment was worth regaining her quality of life.“There are thousands of people in my situation. With a meager pension, they don’t have the ability to do what I did. It’s important that they receive assistance in preserving their right to a dignified life,” she told Expressen.
Saad seda, mille eest maksad…väljaarvatud, kui maksad makse ja tahad nende maksude eest ka hiljem midagi saada. Ainus probleem on selles, et kui raha läinud, siis pole hiljem enam erilist põhjust midagi loota. Eks kogu juhtumist tegi ainuvõimaliku järelduse ka Rootsi vanaproua:
The whole episode has left Skogh questioning the value she received from all the money she’s paid in taxes over the years.“I can understand that the county feels it is expensive to ‘fix’ us elderly, there more and more of us, but in general, I am healthy,” she told Östgöta Correspondenten.“We end up paying for healthcare for younger people, but we don’t get anything ourselves.”
Sotsialiseeritud meditsiinisüsteem, mis on sunnitud kasutama suhtelise efektiivsuse uuringuid meditsiiniliste protseduuride otstarbekuse määramisel, soosib alati nooremaid ja tervemaid patsiente, kelle ravi on “tasuvam”. Isikupõhise tervisekindlustuse eest peab maksma, kuid vähemalt ei pea topelt maksma kui tingimused varakult kokku lepitud. Sotsialiseeritud meditsiinisüsteemi puhul maksad aga makse ja hiljem maksad veel protseduuri eest erakliinikus peale.
Minu jaoks on sümpaatne meditsiinsüsteem, kus makstud raha eest on võimalik vajadusel ka midagi koheselt saada mitte kuid oodata ja hiljem veel kõvasti juurde maksta. Eesti demograafiline olukord on aga piisavalt murettekitav, et tervishoiu rahastamise tulevastele probleemidele juba täna mõelda.
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