Posts Tagged ‘Hugh’

Võrreldes Jaapaniga läheb Eestil veel enam-vähem

Eile selgus lõpuks kui sandilt on jaapanlastel läinud. Alles see oli kui vaikselt loodeti majanduskasvu taastumist ja lõppu kadunud kümnendile ning nüüd siis selline põmakas, et vaata ja imesta: Last week Kazuo Momma, head of the Bank of Japan’s research and statistics department, warned that Japan’s economy now faced an “unimaginable” contraction, and today we […]

Edward Hugh halastamatult Baltikumist

In my view the threat to the Baltic financial systems is real, as is the threat to the Bulgarian and Romanian ones. Action, of some form or another needs to be taken, and soon. Latvia and Estonia are now in deep recessions, and Lithuania, while still clinging on to growth, can’t be far behind. Basically […]