Posts Tagged ‘Vistesen’

Edward Hugh halastamatult Baltikumist

In my view the threat to the Baltic financial systems is real, as is the threat to the Bulgarian and Romanian ones. Action, of some form or another needs to be taken, and soon. Latvia and Estonia are now in deep recessions, and Lithuania, while still clinging on to growth, can’t be far behind. Basically […]

John Hempton’i karm hinnang Baltikumile ja Swedbank’ile

I used to think Swedbank would probably survive. I now think it probably goes to zero. Järelduseni juhatab pikem arutelu sellest, milline on Swedbank’i positsioon Baltikumis läbi Hansapanga, kuidas see on seotud meie jooksevkonto defitsiidiga (lõpuks ometi natuke konkreetsem jutt omavahelistest seostest) ja kuidas panganduskriisid fikseeritud kursiga valuuta puhul alguse saavad. Baltikumile sarnaste näidetena toob […]